Saturday, June 26, 2010

Question #8

As a diplomat, should you focus on advancing the interests of your home country, or should you focus on getting the best outcome for the world as a whole? What if these two goals conflict -- which should predominate?

1 comment:

  1. As a diplomat, it is important that one cares about both internal and international affairs. While both are very important in keeping a country prosperous and safe, ultimately state matters should come before global interests. To be a successful country there needs to be a strong foreign policy along with a solid infrastructure, particularly a well balanced economy and stable political system. Global cooperation is extremely important from an economic standpoint because international trade is a large contributor to a country's success. For a diplomat it is important to keep strong ties and healthy relationships with trading partners, so that country can prosper. While part of a diplomat's job is to strengthen relationships between different nations, it is more important to put the needs of one's country first. If the decision arose whether to put state affairs ahead of international affairs, then the former would predominate because if a country becomes unstable it is because of a weak internal infrastructure.
    A diplomat's job is to deal with foreign affairs, but if a state issue should arise, then the diplomat would have to decide whether he cares more about his title or his home country. In my opinion one should always place the issues of the state first because if something should go wrong to make your country unstable, it is more important to deal with those rather than international issue. So although a diplomat's title requires him to deal with foreign matters, internal affairs should predominate because it is for the betterment of the state.
