Thursday, July 22, 2010

Question #2

One way that a diplomat can promote human rights is by going through the U.N. and receiving the support and aid of other nations. Take the apartheid in South Africa; to promote human rights and end the suffering of thousands with out the brutality of war, diplomats of the U.N.’s general assembly adopted a voluntary international oil embargo on South Africa. This embargo injured the South African economy and helped end the apartheid. Nations around the world authorized their diplomats to adopt the embargo in the name of human rights.

There are others ways a state can promote democracy and human rights with out war. Diplomats can be authorized to open trade negations with a developing country. By integrating the poorer nations economy into the international economy a diplomat can stimulate economic growth within the nation. This economic growth can then reduce poverty and help form a middle class. And as trading partners become a key part of the developing nations economy they can influence government policies towards human rights and encourage democracy.

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