Friday, July 23, 2010

Question #7

Powerful countries have certain obligations towards less powerful nations. Powerful nations have the ability, both economically and militarily, to enforce their decisions or to correct societal ills. In the UN, states that sit on the Security Council (with veto power) have a special obligation to impartially oversee the issues that involve less powerful nations. It is their duty as the states with power to perform their role fairly and to do what is best for not only themselves but for the countries they have power over as well.

In the ongoing debate on global warming, Kyoto Protocol expresses the principal of “common but differentiated responsibilities.” This meaning that the more developed countries who emitted the most greenhouses gasses during the industrial era, should have the greatest responsibility in fighting climate change.

Wealthier countries also have an obligation to support the less wealthy if they should need it. This is true for both global economic reasons such as trade and for social inequality reasons. However, at the same time, poorer nations cannot always look to the rich for financial support. Poorer countries should be encouraged to independently create a source of income and not depend on the funding from other nations to stay financially secure. In some cases, poorer countries exist with limited resources or inadequate financial or industrial/commercial foundations. Wealthier countries have a role in helping the poorer countries develop this foundation to advance their economic freedom. A positive result could be that by assisiting poorer states we can eventually trade with them.

On a smaller scale, I am sure anyone who watches cable television has at some point seen a commercial asking for donations to help sponsor children at risk in third-world nations. The reason these can be commonly seen in America is because, as one of the wealthiest countries in the world with a surplus of resources, we are expected to help those countries with lack of resources. For countries blessed with a strong economy many citizens feel it is their moral obligation to help those less fortunate in an attempt to “give back” for all that they have.

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